Sunday, 9 August 2015

16. Bendy section, Plumbing & Gas hot water

16th July - 2 weeks in and living in the bus has been great so far. We still have a lot to do to finish off! It is unbelievable just how much stuff we have had to sort through, its a good challenge to sort through our possessions and determine what stays and what goes
We are very comfortable in our bus house. Everything seems to function so much better than in our 'normal' house. We have a good sized kitchen with plenty of bench space, a full sized oven and cooktop, a larger shower than we had (900 x 900), a King Sized Bed AND its warmer thanks to our wood heater. The narrow space has its pros and cons but i really like the proximity of everything. You do have to be tidy and organised but that's a good thing.
29th July - Using 8mm insulation that is normally used for large steel sheds to insulate the bendy section of the bus. This will be skun on the outside of the bendy section as well. Having it on the inside has already made a huge difference to the heat retention. Previously we were loosing a lot of heat out of this section.
1st August - Bendy section couch framing begins. Izzy (our cat) joins us for the first time too! Also I built a shelf for our computer tower and bought a moveable LCD screen bracket so we can swing it around etc.
Bendy couch taking shape but it needs a few design refinements! It will be deeper and more organic in shape etc.
Plumbing - I used a plumbing system called SharkBite which has 16mm plastic pipe with brass connections that simply push in with no need for crimping or flanging etc. The hot water lines have been insulated.
5th August - Instant LPG gas hot water system was the choice in the end. We looked into Solar Tubes and Heat Pump Hot water Cylinders. Instant gas made the most sense when weighing up cost and movability! We went with a Bosch 26E. So far, so good. Nice to have hot water finally!!!!
Looking from the back. Hudson loves hanging out on the ledges next to our bed!
The couch for the bendy section framed up.
Sanding the natural edged macrocarpa shelves.
Some beautiful fiddle back feature in the shelves. These have been oiled with the Livos Kunos clear oil also.
Shelving in Hudson's room.
We are trying to have as much usable, accessible storage as possible without it feeling to crowded.
Shelves in our Bedroom.
Shelves above the toilet
The bendy section has been clad using strips of plywood slightly overlapped and screwed to the 3 frames within the bendy section.
There was even room for a shelf in the bendy section. Hudson showing off the Upholstery.
A view looking up at the bendy section cladding.
Em sitting where the drivers seat was. This is becoming the office space. The front windscreen has been blacked out, insulated and clad using the VJ lining like the ceiling.
Paul digging the bathroom grey water pipes in.
Washing the bus for the first time. Funny what having a bus warming party will make you do...


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Venkmaan said...

Hey guys it's Dan Lizotte here. Everything is looking and sounding great!! Han and I and maybe Kyle and Tess might be in the area soon, fancy some visitors perhaps?

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