Thursday, 5 February 2015

4. Layout idea and Roof

15th June – Pulled the wall panelling off. Our $300 Gas Oven (gumtree) and our IKEA drop leaf table.
Taped out another idea of rooms and spaces etc. 

We plan to use a composting toilet. Looking at one called NaureLoo. The toilet in the pic is an old standard one from the shed. Just to get an idea of space!

17th July – After a few leaking issues, we decided to put a roof over the top of the bus. This was my way of seeing how to do a roof and far you can bend a flat sheet of colorbond roofing iron. I picked up a pack of sheets off Gumtree (as I do most things) for $630, enough to do the whole bus.

24th July – I had also picked up a real bargain of Gumtree. 6 trailer loads of Macrocarpa Pine that had been milled on a Lucas Mill. Got the lot for $50! Couldn’t believe it. So this was used to form the frame for the roof.

I made up 2 RHS steel sheet holder jigs. These enabled me to line up the sheet and hold one side down and use my weight to push the other side down and screw it off on the curve. I was quite happy with how well this worked, saved me a lot of time and I was able to do most of the roofing by myself.

27th July – Roof mainly completed. Guttering will happen eventually

Still working out what to do with the back in terms of extending the roof. Our bed will be at the back and the weather usually comes from that direction so that's why the back section is overhanging.

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